Free Ebook Defined by Design The Surprising Power of Hidden Gender Age and Body Bias in Everyday Products and Places
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This wide-ranging overview of design in everyday life demonstrates how design shapes our lives in ways most of us would never imagine. The author, a leading expert in social and psychological issues in design, uncovers the gender, age, and body biases inherent in the designs of common products and living spaces that we all routinely use. From the schools our children attend and the buildings we work in to ill-fitting clothes and one-size-fits-all seating in public transportation, restaurants, and movie theaters, we are surrounded by an artificial environment that can affect our comfort, our self-image, and even our health.Anthony points out the flaws and disadvantages of certain fashions, children's toys, high-tech gadgets, packaging, public transportation, public restrooms, neighborhood layouts, classrooms, workplaces, hospitals, and more. In an increasingly diverse populace where many body types, age groups, and cultures interact, she argues that it's time our environments caught up. This fascinating book--full of aha moments--will teach readers to recognize the hidden biases in certain products and places and to work for more intelligent and healthy design in all areas of life. Latest Topics ZDNet Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews Tech Industry Security Hardware Apple and Windows The Worst Lies From Yesterday's Anti-Net Neutrality Speech Yesterday FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced his plan to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order which prevented internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking or The State Department Wants 5 Years of Social Media Handles The effort to use social media to vet immigrants and refugees is part of the extreme vetting overhaul Trump has promised his base in order to block terrorists Women and Gender Studies Videotapes in the Media Resources Women and Gender Studies Videotapes in the Media Resources Center UC Berkeley How to Opt Into YouTube's New Look Including the New Dark All you need to do to enable the new mode is head to youtubecom/new and then you can opt into the new design Once there click your profile icon (or the three line Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development Why is men's sexuality so "driven" so defined in terms of power? and gender struggles over power and BibMe: Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA APA Using other peoples research or ideas without giving them due credit is plagiarism Since BibMe makes it easy to create citations build bibliographies and Gender pay gap in US remains but its narrowing Pew The gender gap in pay has narrowed since 1980 particularly among younger workers but it still persists In 2015 women earned 83% of what men earned according to a Google Home Now Supports Multiple Users and - Lifehacker One of the biggest limitations of Google Home Googles voice-controlled speakerbot was that it couldnt tell anyone apart so all your requests were centered on Archives - Phillycom Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Daily News and Phillycom
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